Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Some News

Dear Diary,

I know it's been a long time.  This is for two reasons.  One is that I actually haven't spent that much time in parks lately.  I do, however, know that the following water fountains are now running:

Burke-Gilman Trail at 30th Ave
Burke-Gilman Playground Park
Cowen Park

University Playground's was not running when I checked this morning.  I've checked View Ridge Playfield and Bryant Playground several times each recently, but not for some days now; they weren't running then.

Anyway, the other reason I haven't written much in you, dear Diary, lately is that doing so has become much harder.  First of all, I lost access to Wi-Fi at the University of Washington when my phone was stolen, so I've had to rely on Seattle Public Library Wi-Fi, which means hiking.  More importantly, Blogspot rolled out a new impairment - well, they call it an interface - at the beginning of August.  This impairment makes it impossible to insert links, photos or videos in the composition window I've normally used.  (It also turns ordinary typing from challenging to very difficult.)

There are three obvious workarounds.  First, I could just insert these by typing the HTML myself.  In fact I remember how to do this for links, and can copy Blogspot's own HTML for videos.  But it turns out the site used to do its own processing on photos, and I'm not sure how to replace that.

Second, I could just use Blogspot's app.  This does still offer ways to insert all three.  However, the app's main purpose is to crash before anything can be saved, and to crash harder and more scarily each time the user foolishly persists in trying to use it.

Third, I could use a desktop computer.  Maybe Blogspot has only crippled its mobile website, and on such a computer it still works normally.  I've put off buying a laptop out of the $1200 because I have nowhere to charge it, and more recently because I've been so relentlessly stolen from.  But later this week, after I shower, I'll see whether I can post the photos on a rental computer.

One way or another, I may be able to write in you again soon, dear Diary, but I can't make any promises.

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