Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Foolish Mortal Tackles Street Fountains Again

Dear Diary,

This morning I was dawdling over whether to go hiking or stay home - it's supposed to get too hot to work in my storage unit.  So while dawdling, I decided to find out whether the Stranger had published anything interesting recently.  Well, they have, a bunch, but in particular they published what amounts to a campaign speech by mayoral candidate Andrew Grant Houston.  Only since it was a Web page instead of a speech, it contained a link, and this is why I'm a foolish mortal:

Turns out Seattle Public Utilities all the way back on June 25th took credit for the street fountains, and published a sort of map of them.

This SPU map and the fountains I know about differ greatly.  It includes, in areas north of, say, Dearborn St, nine fountains I didn't know about, and omits nine I did know about, so only six fountains are both mapped by SPU and known to me.  In my maps that follow, those six are in blue; the ones I knew about that aren't mapped by SPU are in green; and the SPU-mapped ones I didn't know about are in purple.  (The red dots in my second map are something in Open Street Map, my source, not fountains.)

In particular, the SPU map omits two fountains known to me in North Seattle.  So while it doesn't map any North Seattle fountains that weren't known to me, that doesn't prove much.  In particular, I do remember a fountain in downtown Ballard somewhere, and one somewhere in the U District, which I still haven't found; but for all I know they no longer exist at all.

Several of the nine omitted by the SPU map are in or near parks:  the eastern Burke-Gilman Trail fountain; the fountain adjacent to Westlake Park; the southern Occidental Park fountain; both fountains in Pioneer Square.  However, several more aren't:  the fountain at 2nd & Madison; the one at Broadway & Olive Way; the one at 14th & Madison; the one at Wallingford & 45th.  So the omissions aren't wholly explained by jurisdiction.  Anyway, the SPU map includes the western BGT fountain and the northern Occidental Park one, which are at least as park-located as those it leaves out.

I'm not convinced all the nine on the SPU map that I didn't know about are actually at the addresses SPU lists.  In one or two cases, it's possible that an SPU-mapped fountain is actually a fountain known to me with a weirdly discrepant address, but not in the majority of cases.

Well, this needs more investigation, but after all this work, however foolish I may be, I feel no qualms about staying home the rest of the day.  Until I go hiking again, dear Diary, happy days and sweet dreams.

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