Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Delay again

Dear Diary,

Yesterday I told you I expected to write two pages in you today.  Well, here's one, but it isn't one of those two.

I've been hiking and taking notes and photos at a furious pace, trying to make the most of the sunny weather before what I see as the inevitable followup, weeks of permarain.  Today I decided that the logical corollary of that decision was to leave the writing for when I'd have more time to organise the information I'm gathering, and continue to focus on hiking.

Tomorrow I expect to visit those last six downtown water fountains that Open Street Map claims I'll find if I look hard enough.  (Two of them I'm sure actually exist; one I'm pretty sure doesn't; the other three are in places I'm unfamiliar with.)

Perhaps tomorrow, but more likely Friday until and unless the rain stops me, I'll finish the initial hikes looking at UW building hours.  I only have about forty buildings left to visit, all of which I already visited today in fewer than four hours, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

Then I expect to spend the rest of Friday organising my information, and by Saturday start writing again.

Some time ago now, I started doing a comprehensive hike of another region of North Seattle, the fifth after three last year and one other this year.  But then UW ate all my time.  I hope to finish that other region, but just as I'll have to put the rest of the academic libraries off to update the public libraries this month, I may have to put that region off and do a quick water fountain hike of North Seattle before all the water fountains get shut off.

Anyway, until this weekend, dear Diary, happy days and nights.

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