Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Tiresome Repetition

Dear Diary,

I just had an adventure similar to the one described in the page of yours titled "Two Hours and Two Hours".  Except this time both Number One and Number Two were urgent.  So finding the men's room, but not the women's, locked at upper Ravenna Park shortly after 8 A.M. was concerning, but it wasn't until I found both rooms locked at lower Ravenna at 8:30 that I really got worried.  And it probably wasn't until I'd tried two of the four University Village restrooms I tried today that I first lost a bit of control of Number One.

This is, of course, no big deal.  I'm sure nobody on the train tomorrow will mind the reek of nearly-fresh Number One, and I'd already planned to do laundry once I'm south.  On a larger scale, probably many homeless people are younger than I, and have more reliable control.

So I appreciate the fitness program, in making me walk 2.5 miles to reach a 1-mile distant destination.  But I thought yesterday's page, and the one planned for later today, might have shown that I already hike just fine.

Last Friday I found Burke-Gilman Playground Park's restrooms open.  This was, of course, great, except that for the previous three Fridays they hadn't opened by 10 A.M.  I haven't found any other predictabilities about park restroom closures, throughout.

I try to keep my end of the bargain, and use park restrooms rather than burden companies.  I thought we were almost past the point of pleading for the city to keep its end of the bargain, and open those park restrooms for us to use.  Are we really going back to that as a daily concern?

Dear Diary, I thought I was close to finishing you.  We'll just have to see.

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