Monday, April 27, 2020

FOUND: Park Drinking Water NEAR UW!!

Ooh, dear Diary, I'm so excited!

Having only recently found out that Ravenna Park has two restrooms, I should of course have expected at least one water fountain near each.  So today when I went to the "seasonal" rooms to verify that they're still closed (yep), I looked for one.  And wonder of wonders, unlike the water fountain near the main restrooms, it's running!

So I have no idea whether it was running all winter or turned on a few weeks ago - the drain is too clogged for it to have been turned on today - anyway, I feel kind of like one of those European explorers claiming to have discovered something the locals knew all along.  Maybe for them this is the way it's always been, but for me it's running water near the UW.  Yesterday I was wrong to say I was "miles" from running water.  I was only one mile from it.  Yahoo!

In other news, the restrooms at Burke-Gilman Playground Park and the main restrooms at Ravenna Park are open today, but I decided to take the day off from pictures of doorways that are as boring for me to take as for you, dear Diary, to contain.  So today I'll show you some of the neat things near those restrooms instead.

Three of those things at BGPP line up neatly:  a grill, a sundial, and a really cool fortress the neighbours, adult and child, frequently play in:

I also wanted to show you the mural, pieces of which appear in many of those door shots:

At Ravenna Park, they brag about how the park has its roots in the Olmsteads' work, and here are a couple of hints of that, the bowl where the jazz concert was, and one of three curiously complex doors in the main restroom building:

This part of Ravenna Park also hosts a bunch of sculptures by R. Doughton of plants and animals presumably meant to inhabit the park's ravine:

And one thing I tend to forget, a patch of purple pavement at the bowl's edge:
I hope you enjoy those, dear Diary.

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