Tuesday, April 28, 2020

We're All In This Together

Dear Diary,

Today is almost another boring day - restrooms open at Burke-Gilman Playground Park and Ravenna Park, closed at Ravenna Park, Cowen Park and University Playground; water fountains working at BGPP and Ravenna Park, but not at Ravenna Park and University Playground.  (I forgot to check Cowen Park's water fountain.)

But it wasn't completely boring because BGPP's restrooms weren't actually opened until an unfamiliar guy showed up at 8:30 A. M., quickly unlocked them, and drove off again.  In the short term this delay forced me to do Number One at BGPP, but not in its restroom, dear Diary, yet again falling short of our mayor's high ideals.  But seen from a longer perspective, the events suggest that the parks department is aware that it needs to get the rooms open, even when it's short-staffed.  If true, that would be great.

I took the usual door photos, but will commemorate this pleasing development by posting instead some neat-stuff photos.
Here's a closer view of BGPP's sundial and fortress:

And here are a couple of things from University Playground - the beginning of a rather challenging exercise program, and a troll trying to knock down some playground equipment:

Now, seriously...

Dear Diary, I've realised that I'm shortchanging you, depriving you of things you need.  You're a Primary Source for The Time of the Coronavirus, but I've hardly mentioned the disease, and have taken for granted that your readers in the far future will just know why park restrooms mattered at the time.

I have a solution.  I'm going to give you some data.  Actual numbers.  Won't that improve your standings in the primary source competitions?  Not only that, but these may be unique data.  Sure, everyone talks about the importance of handwashing to beat the coronavirus, but I haven't seen anyone else publish a count of their handwashings.  So to proceed:

Friday, 24 April - 4

1.  At the beach restroom at Magnuson Park, at its sink, using the soap provided.
2.  At the right-hand restroom at Laurelhurst Community Center, same conditions.
3.  Same place, same conditions, a few minutes later.
4.  At Ravenna Park's restroom, same conditions.

Saturday, 25 April - 2

1.  At Burke-Gilman Playground Park's restroom, in its left-hand sink, using the soap provided.
2.  At Ravenna Park's hand-washing station, in the basin facing east, using the soap provided.

Sunday, 26 April - 2

1.  At Burke-Gilman Playground Park's restroom, in its left-hand sink, using the soap provided.
2.  At Safeway at University Village's restroom, in its sink, using the soap provided.

Monday, 27 April - 3

1.  At BGPP's restroom, you know the dtill.
2.  At Ravenna Park's restroom, ditto.
3.  At Safeway's restroom, ditto.

Tuesday, 28 April - 3 so far

1.  At Burke-Gilman Playground Park, in its water fountain, using my own dish detergent.
2.  Same park's restroom, an hour later, usual routine.
3.  Ravenna Park's restroom, usual routine.

So what do you think, dear Diary?  Is that enough?  Will I win a Healthy Citizen Award?

I think those numbers scientifically demonstrate that I need to get some hand sanitiser.

One more number:

Percentage of time spent wearing a face mask:  0.00%.

Honestly, I can't even maintain my usual low standards of hygiene; how am I to tend something we've all been warned about handling with care?

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