Monday, December 21, 2020

Street Ends: North-West Salmon Bay

Dear Diary,

How very embarrassing.  I just found a photo that can only be a view over the water, a photo 3, from somewhere slightly west of the Ballard Bridge.  But at least two people read the page where it belongs, so it would be unfair to them to put it there.  And anyway, where is the place I shot this view from?  Why no photo 2?

This is especially annoying because the nearest street north of the water at the Ballard Bridge is NW Shilshole St.   Shilshole is essentially similar to N and NE Northlake Way:  a place to drive fast around obstructive water.  A crucial difference:  it does have sidewalks the whole way.  But they're on the north side of the street, so for four street ends, I had to cross the insane stream of traffic.

Oh, well.  Nobody's reported back on the Ballard Community Center restrooms, so I guess this is just a second sign that I'm not done making the hike to Ballard.  Meanwhile, I didn't lie, the street ends this page is supposed to be about are all accessible, though only one has anything I'd call an improvement.  The best group is still ahead.

Ballard Bridge (15th Ave NW) Street End

Photo 3 - A view over the water

20th Ave NW Street End

Photo 1 - The street that ends

Photo 2 - The land the city appears to claim

Photo 3

24th Avenue NW Street End

Here is evidence that I had not as of October 17 learnt how the street end law actually is:  I shot two photos 1 and 2 here, under two "theories" as to where the street really ended, I guess.  Only one photo 3, though.  Looking at the photos, what I think is that there's nothing resembling signage, and two places that could conceivably be public.  Theory 2, however, gets us not much of a view, and a street end way too close to a business's front door.  Well, here are the five photos.

Theory 1

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Theory 2

Photo 1

Photo 2

28th Ave NW Street End

Here my photography was constrained by the presence, the entire time I was there, of a young madwoman.  When I arrived, she greeted me effusively, naming me with a name I'd never heard before, explained that she had the right to have her sleeping bag there (I assume that was what was in a cart not mine), accused me of stealing the sleeping bag, speculated for a while on the Satanic influences that might have induced me to do this, and then forgot about me and found other things to rant about.  (Apparently when not worrying about her sleeping bag she rules the world.)  I devoutly hope that at this hour on this night, she has her sleeping bag, and is not at the 28th Ave NW Street End.

If she was instead a drama student, she was way too determined to get it right.  I don't think so.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

As I said, the best group is still ahead, and then we're done with street ends, dear Diary, except, sigh, the Ballard Bridge one.

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